Earn money online by answering paid online surveys

Online Surveys

Answering paid online surveys is one of the most popular ways to earn extra income online. It's convenient as you can answer surveys anytime and anywhere as long as you have an internet connection and a device that can access the internet, preferably a pc or a laptop. It also doesn't take much of your time as each survey is just about 15-30 minutes long.

Before trying online surveys though, there are a few things I'd like you to be aware of:

You don't get paid instantly for every survey you answer. You answer surveys and accumulate points or credits until you reach the minimum amount to request for a payout. Most survey panels will require you to have an accumulated earnings of $5-$10 before you can request for a payout.

Make sure you have a stable internet connection because once you have opened a survey and got suddenly disconnected from the internet, you will be disqualified. Refreshing your browser and clicking your browser's back button is, most of the time, not allowed.

Before every survey, you will be asked to answer some questions to see if you qualify for the survey. If you don't qualify, you will not be able to take the survey.

Make sure you have a valid email address as most survey panels will send surveys directly to your email account.

Most survey panels use an online e-wallet to pay their members. The most common are Paypal (www.paypal.com), Payza (www.payza.com) and Payoneer (www.payoneer.com).

Recommended List

1. Clixsense (www.clixsense.com)

Clixsense takes the top spot because they have many surveys available so even if you don't qualify to some, you have many others to try to qualify. You can also earn more by doing tasks and completing offers.

2. iPanel PH (ph.ipanelonline.com)

The surveys here are not as frequent as Clixsense but they are high-paying. There's also a lesser chance of disqualification since they'll let you invite another person to answer the survey if you don't qualify.

3. Viewfruit (ph.viewfruit.com)

Viewfruit is a cross between a social network and a survey panel. The surveys here are frequent but not as high-paying as Clixsense and iPanel.

4. The Panel Station (www.thepanelstation.com)

In here you can choose to accumulate your earnings and redeem a reward or use it to buy tickets for their monthly draw.

Non-recommended List

These panels are not necessarily scams.Some are legit survey panels and they do pay but I don't recommend them because it's hard to reach their minimum payout. But you can try them if you want.

1. Viewpoint Panel (www.viewpointpanel.com)
Not scam since I received my earnings from them. But they have very few surveys and it's easy to get disqualified for each survey.

2. PaidViewpoint (www.paidviewpoint.comz0
Based on my research online, this site seems legit. They give surveys regularly and they are short and easy to answer. But each survey is just $0.03 and you receive just one or two surveys every day, it will be hard to reach their $15 minimum payout.

3. Yougov (ph.yougov.com)

Yougov is actually a pretty decent panel. They give you frequent surveys and they also post the results of their market research.

The main issue is when redeeming the rewards.

I Redeemed my 5000 points for a 25 Paypal SGD last July 12 and it took almost a month (26 days) for it to arrive.

Waiting for your Yougov reward to arrive will drive you crazy since you don't know how long it will take to arrive. I read online that it took others more than a month to receive their reward. And the worse part is their support, don't bother emailing them, THEY DO NOT REPLY.

4. Triaba (www.triaba.com)

Still testing this panel.

Scams List.


You could earn a decent amount of money from answering paid online surveys but, it's not a substitute for a real full-paying job.

Did you sign up in any of the panels above? Know a survey panel that should be added to the list? Comment down below.

Lists are updated frequently so check back here from time to time for new information.

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